Care for Children , acronym CareforChild is a page to reflect our love and care for our own children. It is to share our feelings and knowledge about Child Care. by Aloke Kumar
If you hugged your child today, chances are it’s due to Dr. Spock

How my child studies and does his homework ….

Writing for Children…. has become a challenge

In 1963 Scarry made his breakthrough with Best World Book Ever.

Scarry himself bumbled his way through a charmed life of good luck and fortunate circumstance, pretty much doing whatever he liked until the day he died. He wrote and illustrated over three hundred major picture books for children, each one dense with slapstick and visual humor. More than three hundred million copies of his work have exchanged hands, some of which were translated into thirty languages. This qualifies him to be the most popular children's book author of all time.
It can be argued there are two types of people: those who grew up reading Richard Scarry, and those who remain perpetually maladjusted to society.
Children's Emotional Intelligence

Children with a high Emotional Intelligence (EQ) are more successful in life, says Dr Kenneth Lyen
“Emotional intelligence is as important, if not more so, than IQ”,
He said that there are many fields a child is likely to excel in, including:
Abilities with the use of words
Mathematical abilities and pattern recognition
Thinking visually and artistic skills
Music and rhythm skills
Physical abilities
Social skills
Understanding one's innermost thoughts and feelings
It is up to the parent to understand his child’s prowess and encourage him. If you observe your child closely, you will know what he is interested in and what he is good at. He focussed on emotional intelligence and said that children with emotional intelligence tend to succeed in life; academic brilliance alone does not guarantee success. “Those with high IQ levels may be selected for interviews, but those with a high level of emotional intelligence are most likely to be selected for jobs,” said Dr Lyen.

How do you know if your child has emotional intelligence? He has a good EQ (emotional quotient) if If your child is very popular If your child has self-control If your child is adaptable and friendly If your child is persistent If your child can empathise You can teach your child how to make friends, overcome failures and succeed in life. How can you raise your child’s EQ?
Encourage him to care for others
Teach him the importance of being honest
Teach him to apologise for his mistakes
Teach him to approach problems optimistically
Praise him for good deeds
Participate in all that he does
Don’t be too bossy“Emotional intelligence is more important than IQ levels because IQ cannot be changed, whereas EQ can be enhanced,” said Dr Lyen.
Yes, that is Dr. Kenneth Lyen, if you are wandering. Other than being a pediatrician, he also plays the violin at leisure
The greatest evil that can happen to a Child ...for the Child to think bad of oneself….

Of all the beliefs and judgment that a child has, none is more important than the ones he has of self. . This belief is the single most telling factors in determining the success and failure in life. Although many believe that –talent, opportunity, money, high level of intelligence, families and positive attitudes are the predictors of success in life. Actually these are secondary to a healthy positive self-image. A child’s Self-image is the direct result of the reinforcement that he or she receives from you, on a daily basis. Hence the question to ask is, “ What does the children really think of themselves?” And perhaps NOT what we think of them.
Often we parents, create the barriers. Thus the lack of love in a person’s life is the internal fear that a child does not deserve it.
The absence of happiness may stem from the internal belief that “Happiness is not my destiny”.
Hence the task of motivating children to have greater aspirations is all about working on their self-portraits.
When a child grows up to love himself, to be self confident, to have a high self esteem and to respect himself , he will not be let down by failure , will respect others and will have lots of love and not hatred for the others.
This is not a modern day dictum has been there through the ages.
That is why the great philosopher Goethe said:
“The greatest evil that can befall a man is that he should come to think ill of himself”